Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 15

IMG_2233, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Valentines Flowers :)

February 14

IMG_2251, originally uploaded by julieitis.

So, I have a picture of the ribeyes, a picture of the grill in the snow, but the picture of the asparaus was the most interesting :)

Yummy combo, though. Happy Valentine's!

February 13

IMG_2238, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Lovely gift from Gammy. Mmmmmm, eggs benedict!

February 12

IMG_2229, originally uploaded by julieitis.

I dunno. I was outside, I hadn't taken a picture, the sky was really blue... Random antenna on random building...

February 11

IMG_2223, originally uploaded by julieitis.


February 10

IMG_2228, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Underside of deck pergola

February 9

IMG_2240, originally uploaded by julieitis.

AND the trim is up and painted!

February 8

IMG_2239, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Look, Kate! The shelf is finally under the window!

February 7

IMG_2247, originally uploaded by julieitis.

So, this seems to be my new schtick. Set something on the Kitchen Island, photograph it. Upload to Flickr. Post to blog.

I'm getting the hang of it, so expect it to happen. A lot.

In the meantime, mcD's would like you to... ENJOY.

February 6

IMG_2218, originally uploaded by julieitis.

THIS is a good afternoon :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 5

IMG_2210, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Yay! The final section of banister is up! All spiffy and powder coated and everything!

February 4

IMG_2208, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Yes. It IS a sunset. But it's DIFFERENT than usual. Why? Because I took it from the Target parking lot, LOL. See it reflected in the car window on the right?

February 3

IMG_2201, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Glorious Day. Trees are interesting when you look straight up at them :)

February 2

IMG_2203, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Every morning I put Gus' toys away in the basket. Every night he gets at least one of them out. This is what the arrangement looked like tonight. Swear to goodness I didn't touch them...

February 1

IMG_2206, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Yes. We watched the Super Bowl. At least, for a while...

January 31

IMG_2199, originally uploaded by julieitis.

I thought it was cool that you could see the mountains through the carwash. And because we went through the carwash before I took this picture, you can see mountains AND carwash!

January 30

IMG_2191, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Yeah. That big silver thing. Turns out they are NOT supposed to be in tires...

January 29

IMG_2190, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Gus inspects his dinner supplies.

January 28

IMG_2189, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Mmmmmmm. Chipotle!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27

IMG_2169, originally uploaded by julieitis.

PassionFruit Hot Chocolate.

January 26

IMG_2171, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Gus inspects new ceiling downstairs.

January 25

IMG_2184, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Sun. Sky. Color. You know the drill.

January 24

IMG_2173-e, originally uploaded by julieitis.

The Phone. Working. Sort of. Actual internet connection seems to be random...

But when it works.... IT'S THE COOLEST PHONE IN THE WORLD!

January 23

IMG_2161, originally uploaded by julieitis.

It's the Castle Rock! Castle Rock, Colorado (taken from the parking lot of the motorcycle store. I spend a lot of time in this parking lot, and yet this is the first time I really noticed how well you could see the rock...)

January 22

IMG_2158, originally uploaded by julieitis.

One of my throw rugs. Someday I should convert the pattern into a scrapbooking background.

January 21

IMG_2157, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Closeup of my kitchen cabinet's router pattern. I could tell you why I took this, but then I'd have to kill you :)

January 20

IMG_2145, originally uploaded by julieitis.

A variation! This time you get to see the sunset from my vantage point behind the deck.

January 19

IMG_2151, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Interesting shot of the zebra grass in the back yard. Love the color!

January 18

IMG_2149, originally uploaded by julieitis.

My new office phone. V. v. cute. You would not believe how hard it is to dial, though. Sure, the buttons push, but they aren't in the right place!!! I guess it has just been too long since my rotary dial days...

January 17

IMG_2129, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Interesting intersection of rabbit tracks and shadows on the snow :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

January 16

IMG_2136, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Do you know what you are looking at? Absence of Christmas Tree! w00t!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15

IMG_2124, originally uploaded by julieitis.

So really. can you BLAME me?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14

IMG_2126, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Gus, looking quite dapper after his visit to the groomer :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13

IMG_2116, originally uploaded by julieitis.

The view from the driver's seat this morning. What a gorgeous day!

Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12

IMG_2108, originally uploaded by julieitis.

THIS is how far I got with the shoveling this evening. About 6-7 passes with the shovel. Then I decided that 3 car garages (and driveways) were absolutely ridiculous. At least the sidewalk is shoveled.

I chose this shoveling photo because it a) shows that I did manual labor, b) shows the pretty light on the front of the house, and c) sneaks some of the color from the sunset into the picture, without actually BEING a sunset picture. I totally am calling this a "win."

January 11

IMG_2105, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Suspended ceiling supplies neatly tucked into the Ridgeline... looks like many hours of fun. Just not for me :)

January 10

IMG_2094, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Basement project makes progress; room is textured and primed!

January 9

IMG_2092, originally uploaded by julieitis.

In a burst of melodrama, Molly decides to drown her adderall and ambien, rather than being held prisoner by them :)

January 8

IMG_2090, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Gus is mad at me 'cuz I stole his spot on the couch. I got even, I posted this picture, complete with "alien eye."

January 7

IMG_2086, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Played Apples to Apples with Molly... much hilarity.

January 6

IMG_2078, originally uploaded by julieitis.

I thought all of the lights were interesting... btw the candle is square, which is why it looks so... well, not round :)

January 5

IMG_2072, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Hey there, Delilah...

January 4

IMG_2069, originally uploaded by julieitis.

I made it 4 days before I took a photo of a sunset ;)

January 3

The next day - beautiful!

IMG_2063, originally uploaded by julieitis.

The next day...

January 2

IMG_2057, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Beautiful tree in quite the snowstorm. Love how the Christmas lights glow! Now if I could just remember what setting I used on the camera...

January 1

IMG_2044, originally uploaded by julieitis.

New light installed in my office (thank you David & Molly!). Hmmm. Maybe I should clean it up, now...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Because neglecting one blog is not enough!!!

Honestly, I don't know if this will remain a photo a day commitment or not, but I will pinky swear to at least a photo a week :) After all, now I get to put off taking down the Christmas decorations JUST A LITTLE LONGER!!!