Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 15

IMG_2233, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Valentines Flowers :)

February 14

IMG_2251, originally uploaded by julieitis.

So, I have a picture of the ribeyes, a picture of the grill in the snow, but the picture of the asparaus was the most interesting :)

Yummy combo, though. Happy Valentine's!

February 13

IMG_2238, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Lovely gift from Gammy. Mmmmmm, eggs benedict!

February 12

IMG_2229, originally uploaded by julieitis.

I dunno. I was outside, I hadn't taken a picture, the sky was really blue... Random antenna on random building...

February 11

IMG_2223, originally uploaded by julieitis.


February 10

IMG_2228, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Underside of deck pergola

February 9

IMG_2240, originally uploaded by julieitis.

AND the trim is up and painted!

February 8

IMG_2239, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Look, Kate! The shelf is finally under the window!

February 7

IMG_2247, originally uploaded by julieitis.

So, this seems to be my new schtick. Set something on the Kitchen Island, photograph it. Upload to Flickr. Post to blog.

I'm getting the hang of it, so expect it to happen. A lot.

In the meantime, mcD's would like you to... ENJOY.

February 6

IMG_2218, originally uploaded by julieitis.

THIS is a good afternoon :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 5

IMG_2210, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Yay! The final section of banister is up! All spiffy and powder coated and everything!

February 4

IMG_2208, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Yes. It IS a sunset. But it's DIFFERENT than usual. Why? Because I took it from the Target parking lot, LOL. See it reflected in the car window on the right?

February 3

IMG_2201, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Glorious Day. Trees are interesting when you look straight up at them :)

February 2

IMG_2203, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Every morning I put Gus' toys away in the basket. Every night he gets at least one of them out. This is what the arrangement looked like tonight. Swear to goodness I didn't touch them...

February 1

IMG_2206, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Yes. We watched the Super Bowl. At least, for a while...

January 31

IMG_2199, originally uploaded by julieitis.

I thought it was cool that you could see the mountains through the carwash. And because we went through the carwash before I took this picture, you can see mountains AND carwash!

January 30

IMG_2191, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Yeah. That big silver thing. Turns out they are NOT supposed to be in tires...

January 29

IMG_2190, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Gus inspects his dinner supplies.

January 28

IMG_2189, originally uploaded by julieitis.

Mmmmmmm. Chipotle!